Why Hire a Minor Renovation Contractor in Singapore

minsstudio | 26 February 2024 | 2 min read

Minor renovations can make a difference when you’re looking to spruce up your HDB flat or condo unit. Whether it’s refreshing your bathroom or kitchen layout, or just refreshing the paint, these changes can breathe new life into your living space. But should you tackle these projects on your own? Or is hiring a minor renovation contractor in Singapore the way to go?

In this post, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about minor renovations.

Understanding Minor Renovations

Firstly, what qualifies as a minor renovation? Typically, these are non-structural refreshes that don’t require massive space overhauls. Think along the lines of:

  • Cabinet replacements
  • Flooring upgrades
  • Installations of built-in furniture
  • Sanitary fixture changes

Compared to significant renovations, these jobs are often less disruptive, quicker to complete, and more budget-friendly.

The Renovation Industry Overview in Singapore

The renovation industry in Singapore is highly vibrant, brimming with contractors skilled in maximising small spaces in ingenious ways while adhering to stringent BCA regulations. With space at a premium in the city-state, efficient and creative use of square footage is vital.

Qualities of a Reliable Minor Renovation Contractor

A reliable contractor should possess:

Attention to detail

Given the tight quarters in Singapore’s residential properties, every inch matters. A reliable renovation contractor will know how to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing space while making the most of each centimetre.

Respect for building codes

Building codes are in place to ensure safety and proper standards for construction work. A good contractor should be well-versed and follow these regulations strictly to avoid legal or safety issues.

Robust portfolio of completed projects

Having a solid portfolio of past projects is a good indicator of a contractor’s experience and capabilities. Take the time to review their work and see if it aligns with your vision for your renovation project.

Clear communication practices

Proper communication is vital in any working relationship, especially when it comes to home renovations. A good contractor should be able to provide regular updates and address any concerns or questions you may have throughout the project.

Why Hire a Professional Contractor?

While DIY can be tempting, professional contractors bring expertise and efficiency. They manage timelines, navigate red tape, and ensure all work is up to par with the rigorous standards expected in Singapore.

Moreover, hiring a contractor can also save you money in the long run. They have established relationships with suppliers and know how to source quality materials at discounted prices, potentially saving you from costly mistakes.

Tips for Choosing the Right Contractor in Singapore

To select the perfect contractor for the job:

  1. Seek referrals and read reviews.
  2. Verify their credentials and work history.
  3. Get a detailed quote and compare bids.
  4. Communicate your expectations and desires.

Cost Considerations for Minor Renovations

Cost is always a factor. Be transparent about your budget with potential contractors and understand the cost breakdowns of labour and materials. For instance, contractor fees in Singapore can range from $20 to $80 per square foot, depending on the project’s complexity.

Materials like tiles, cabinetry, and countertops can also significantly impact costs. Discuss with your contractor to find the best balance between quality and budget. Doing so can save you from any surprises down the road.

DIY vs. Hiring a Contractor: Pros and Cons

Of course, there are benefits to both DIY and hiring a contractor for minor renovations. Some pros and cons to consider include:

Assessing the Feasibility of DIY Renovations

DIY might save you money upfront, but consider if you have the skills and tools necessary. On the other hand, a contractor brings experience, equipment and expertise in navigating building codes. These professionals have access to wholesale materials and can complete the work promptly and efficiently.

Comparing Costs and Time Commitments

Professional contractors might seem costlier, but factor in the value of your time. They can complete projects much faster, so you can move into your newly renovated space sooner. Plus, they typically have established relationships with suppliers, allowing them to source materials at a lower cost.

Risks and Benefits of DIY Renovations

Mistakes can be costly. Weigh the satisfaction of DIY against the possible risks. For example, a small error during flooring installation could lead to water seepage, mould growth, and thousands of dollars in repair work. A professional contractor can help prevent such issues and ensure the job is done right the first time.

The Importance of Proper Planning

A detailed plan is your roadmap to renovation success. Outline everything from design to timelines and contingencies.

Creating a detailed renovation plan

First, identify your goals and priorities for the project. Then, create a budget and allocate funds accordingly. From there, plan out the design, materials needed, and any necessary permits or approvals. A detailed plan ensures you and your contractor are on the same page and minimises potential hiccups.

Identifying potential challenges and solutions

Every renovation project comes with its own set of challenges. By carefully planning and considering any potential obstacles ahead of time, you can proactively find solutions and avoid costly delays.

One of the biggest challenges is dealing with limited space. A good contractor should be able to offer creative solutions for maximising your square footage and making the most of your living space.

Understanding Building Regulations and Permits

Singapore’s building codes and regulations are strict. Ignorance isn’t bliss; it’s a potential legal headache.

Overview of building codes and regulations in Singapore

While building codes and regulations may be tedious, they are designed to ensure the safety of residents and their homes. Familiarise yourself with these regulations to make sure your renovation project is compliant.

For example, the Building Control Act 1989 is a comprehensive legislation consolidating building laws and related matters. It includes provisions outlining protocols for energy use changes in buildings and requirements for energy audits on cooling systems. This act plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficiency and sustainability of buildings while maintaining compliance with regulatory standards.

There are also regulations for fire safety, public health and environmental considerations. Your contractor should be well-versed in these regulations and ensure all work is done according to code.

The importance of obtaining necessary permits for minor renovations

Getting permits for minor renovations may seem like an added hassle, but it’s a crucial step in avoiding potential legal issues down the road. Your contractor can help you navigate this process and obtain all the necessary permits before starting work.

You also need a permit for structural changes, such as adding or removing walls. It’s crucial to follow these regulations to ensure the safety and stability of your home.

Material Selection and Design Considerations

Choose materials not just for aesthetics but for longevity and maintenance. Your design choices should align with your lifestyle needs.

Choosing the right materials for minor renovations

Consider the durability, maintenance, and cost of materials before making selections. Additionally, consider the design aesthetics and functionality of your chosen materials. 

Incorporating design elements that enhance your space

Minor renovations can also be an opportunity to add design elements that enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your space. From built-in storage solutions to maximising natural light, work with your contractor to find ways to improve the overall livability of your home.

Timeline and Project Management

Timeline and project management are essential for keeping your renovation on track and minimising disruptions to your daily life. Here are two key factors to consider:

Creating a realistic timeline for your renovation project

First, discuss the timeline with your contractor and make sure it aligns with your expectations. Be prepared for some flexibility as unexpected delays may arise. Plan your renovation when you can comfortably work around any disruptions to your daily routine.

Managing the project effectively to ensure timely completion

Another crucial aspect of project management is communication with your contractor. Regular updates and check-ins can help ensure the project stays on track and addresses issues promptly.

Ensuring Quality Workmanship

Quality workmanship is crucial for the longevity and safety of your renovated space. Here’s how to ensure you get top-notch quality from your contractor:

Checking for certifications and qualifications of contractors

A certified contractor has proven their knowledge and expertise in the renovation industry. Be sure to verify any certifications or qualifications your potential contractor may have.

Assessing past projects and client testimonials

Consider asking for references from past clients and reviewing their work firsthand. This will give you a better idea of the contractor’s capabilities and the quality of their work.

Post-Renovation Maintenance and Warranty

Post-renovation, ensure you understand the maintenance needs of your new features and the warranty details provided by your contractor. 

Understanding the importance of post-renovation maintenance

When you invest in a renovation, it’s crucial to maintain your new features to ensure their longevity properly. Discuss with your contractor the maintenance needs of any new additions and how to prevent issues.

Exploring warranty options for your renovation project

Apart from regular maintenance, ensure you understand the warranty your contractor provides. This can help protect you from any unexpected issues arising after completing the project.

Work with the Best Minor Renovation Contractor in Singapore

Now that you understand the importance of working with a professional contractor for your minor renovation project, it’s time to find the right one. At Mins Studio, we pride ourselves on delivering quality workmanship and excellent customer service. Contact us today to learn how we can help bring your renovation vision to life. 

Also from Mins Studio: Home Owner’s Guide to House Renovation in Singapore